RCC Development Review Project 169
RCC Development Review Project 169
White Settlement submitted a project for review. The deadline for comments was December 11, 2023.
Project 169 Submittal:
Contact Information:
Name: Robert Nunley
Title/Position: Community Development Director
Entity: City of White Settlement
Email: rnunley@wstx.us
Phone: 817-246-4971
Parcel ID(s) (if available): 24365G-1-1
Address (if available): 600 State Hwy 183
Project Description: This project submittal is for a re-plat and the construction of a new building. The property to be re-platted is LOWE'S ADDITION -WHITESETTLEM Block 1 Lot 1, which is a 15.96 acre lot. The lot would be divided into two lots one being 15.37 acres and the other being .588 acres. The larger lot would still be occupied by Lowe's and the smaller lot would be developed with the construction of a new building that would be occupied by Brakes Plus. This building will be 4,897 sq. ft. and have 8 repair bays and an elevation of 28 feet. This use is permitted under city ordinance as an auto service specialty shop.
Other Base Compatibility Issues: Not applicable
Deadline for Comments: 12/11/2023
Supporting documentation from White Settlement is available in the Documents section below.