August 2024 Transportation Department Public Meeting
August 2024 Transportation Department Public Meeting
Provide comments on public input topics or learn how to participate in the hybrid public meeting for August 2024. The deadline to submit a comment or question related to these topics is Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise noted below.
Comments relevant to and received during specific public comment periods are provided to the RTC in advance of any meetings where they are scheduled to take action on the relevant policy, plan or program. All comments received outside these formal public comment periods, regardless of the topic, are compiled into a monthly report and presented to the RTC in advance of its next regularly scheduled meeting. These comments are accessible to the public in the RTC meeting agendas, public meeting minutes and monthly comment reports on the NCTCOG website.
Contact Us or Submit Comments and Questions
Phone: (855) 925-2801 (Enter code 10355)
Fax: (817) 640-3028
Mail: P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888
Additional information about these topics will be found below in the files tab near the bottom of the page on August 12, 2024.
Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Grant Award Additions to Mobility Plan
The Mobility 2045 Update guides the spending of federal and State transportation funds based on our regional goals. Relevant sections in the Mobility 2045 Update have been amended to include recent federal grants awarded to NCTCOG for publicly accessible alternative fuel infrastructure projects, including hydrogen refueling infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations. The updated information can be found in Environmental Considerations Chapter 4 and Appendix C available at
2050 Demographics for New Mobility Plan
Per Federal regulations, demographic forecasts are evaluated every four years to coincide with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan development cycle. One of the initial steps in NCTCOG’s demographic forecasting process is the review of Regional Control Totals for Population and Employment. Over the past year, NCTCOG staff has completed an analysis of various control total forecasts and will present the results to the public.
Transit Strategic Partnerships: Recommended Projects
The Transit Strategic Partnerships Program is a competitive grant program that funds innovative transit projects supporting services for seniors, persons with disabilities and low-income populations from public agencies looking to directly implement service and those seeking partnership with an existing transit provider. The May 2024 cycle for proposal submissions has closed, and an update on selected projects will be provided for review and comment. For more information, visit
FY24 Public Transportation Funding: Program of Projects
NCTCOG staff will present proposed transit projects funded by the Federal Transit Administration through the award of Fiscal Year 2024 funds for the following four programs: Urbanized Area Formula, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, State of Good Repair, and Bus and Bus Facilities.
Proposed Modifications to the List of Funded Projects
A comprehensive list of funded transportation projects through 2026 is maintained in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Projects with committed funds from federal, State, and local sources are included in the TIP. To maintain an accurate project listing, this document is updated on a regular basis and posted below in the files tab near the bottom of the page for review and comment.
Interactive Public Input: Map Your Experience
NCTCOG’s Transportation Department is accepting public input through an online map tool. Help plan for the future by letting us know how the region’s transportation system can better serve you. Share your transportation experience at:
NCTCOG Spatial Data Cooperative Program
Are you looking for highly accurate aerial photography, LiDAR, or related data products? NCTCOG’s Spatial Data Cooperative Program has provided these products to local governments, consultants, and other partners on an annual basis since 2001. Partners can sign up to participate in the current year’s cooperative to receive this data at a much lower cost than if it were purchased individually. As the number of participants in the program increases, the cost decreases due to economies of scale and volume discounting. Data acquired by past projects is available for purchase as well. The program has long-standing relationships with its vendors and is committed to producing affordable spatial data that soars above the rest. For more information, visit
Air Quality Programs and Funding Opportunities
NCTCOG has several regional air quality programs and initiatives to reduce air pollution in North Central Texas. In addition, funding opportunities and incentives are available for projects that reduce air pollution from vehicles and equipment or help improve energy efficiency. More information:
Access North Texas
Access North Texas is the regional public transportation coordination plan for the 16-county North Central Texas area. The plan, which is updated every 4 years, documents the transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes across the region. To help with the 2026 update process, please complete the public survey (survey will close in April 2025). For more information and a link to the survey, visit
August 2024 Public Meeting
Attend in person or watch the presentations live at A video recording will be made available afterward.
Need a ride to the public meeting? Request a $6 roundtrip ride from the DFW CentrePort Station to NCTCOG with the Arlington Transportation app! Download the app at:
For special accommodations due to a disability or language translation, contact 817-695-9255 or Reasonable accommodations will be made.
Para ajustes especiales por discapacidad o para interpretación de idiomas, llame al 817-695-9255 o por email: Se harán las adaptaciones razonables.
- Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Grant Award Additions to Mobility Plan.pdf
- Forecast 2050.pdf
- Transit Strategic Partnerships Program_1e6bf8eb.pdf
- Fiscal Year 2024 Public Transportation Funding Programs of Projects.pdf
- Fiscal Year 2024 Public Transportation Funding Programs of Projects - Attachment 1.pdf
- Proposed Modifications to the List of Funded Projects_6afbc0a8.pdf