Project 170 Submittal:

Contact Information:

  Name: Suzanne Meason
  Title/Position: Planning & Zoning Administrator
  Entity: City of Lake Worth

  Phone: 817-255-7922 

Parcel ID(s) (if available): 21080-34-10A, 21080-34-9A, 21080-34-9D

Address (if available): 7000 Apache Trl, 7004 Apache Trl, 7008 Apache Trl

Project Description:  The subject property falls within the APZ I and 75 dB Noise Contour area. The property had a primary structure (residence) on it along with several outbuildings. The current property owner tore down the existing structures on the property and is now seeking to replat the multiple lots into one large lot and build a new residence at the property.

Other Base Compatibility Issues: Not applicable

Deadline for Comments:  2/10/2025

Tarrant Appraisal District Property Search

Question title

Project Area:

Map Legend

Bright Blue Dropped Pin: Area under review

Purple: Clear Zone

Red: Accident Potential Zone I

Orange: Accident Potential Zone II

White: Noise Contours for 65 dB, 70 dB, 75 dB, 80 dB, 85 dB

Question title

NCTCOG Staff Preliminary Assessment: The proposed action does not fully comply with Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) recommendations due to both safety and excessive noise concerns. Residential structures are not compatible in the APZ I or 75 dB Noise Contour. However, the action does take a positive step towards compatibility since the JLUS recommendation is to decrease density within the APZ I. In addition, the developer should coordinate with city staff and the base to ensure recommended sound attenuation measures are taken when a new structure is added in the future.

Do you concur with the staff assessment? Select Yes or No. Additional comments may be shared in the box below.

Note: All responses and comments are subject to the Texas Public Information Act. In addition, responses and comments will be posted publicly after the project deadline.

Closed to responses | 6 Responses